• Northern Light Automatic
  • Northern Light Automatic
  • Northern Light Automatic
  • Northern Light Auto
  • Northern Light Automatic
  • Northern Light Automatic
  • Northern Light Auto + 3

Northern Light Auto

Northern Light x Ruderalis

Semințele Northern Light Auto deschid ușa către una dintre cele mai cunoscute tulpini de canabis din lume. Este o tulpină dominant Indica, crescută în anii 1970 în Statele Unite, din gene afgane. În anii 1980, planta a ajuns în Olanda.
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Semințe Northern Light Auto: O tulpină americană îmbunătățită de-a lungul timpului

Northen Lighteste una dintre cele mai cunoscute tulpini de canabis din lume. Este o tulpină dominant Indica, crescută în anii 1970 în Statele Unite, din gene afgane. În anii 1980, planta a ajuns în Olanda. În ultimii ani, diferite tehnici de cultivare și reproducere au dus la apariția unor variante ale tulpinii de canabis Northern Lights, fiecare dintre ele valorificând cele mai bune trăsături ale acestei legende, adăugând în același timp ceva unic în ecuație. Semințele Northern Light Auto de la Royal Queen Seeds sunt combinația ideală între nou și vechi.

Fiind atât autoflorante, cât și feminizate, semințele Northern Light Auto sunt destul de versatile, fiind potrivite atât pentru culturile discrete în interior, cât și pentru persoanele care cultivă un volum mare de canabis în aer liber. Planta începe să crească și să producă flori aproape imediat și este gata pentru recoltare în doar 10-12 săptămâni de la plantarea semințelor.

Randamentele nebănuite ale tulpinii Northern Light Auto

Tulpina Northern Light Auto produce o recoltă generoasă și s-ar putea să fie una dintre semințele autoflorante cu cel mai mare randament de pe piață în momentul de față. Va atinge o înălțime de aproximativ 90-120 cm, fiind o plantă destul de mare pentru un soi autoflorant, dar acest lucru se potrivește cu randamentul său. În aer liber, în Spania, unele plante au produs până la 200 g, deși producția medie în interior, în condiții bune, este de aproximativ 90 g.

Asemenea tulpinii originale, Northern Lights, tulpina noastră Northern Light Auto oferă o aromă plăcută și dulce și un efect fizic confortabil, însoțit de stimulare cerebrală. Este aceeași tulpină clasică, doar autoflorantă. Ceea ce o transformă într-o plantă excelentă pentru utilizatorii medicali.

Video id: 118587124
Northern Light Auto data sheet
Tipul de Soi: Auto înflorire
THC: 14%
CBD: Scăzut
Randamentul În Interior: 500 - 550 gr/m2
Randamentul În Aer Liber: 170 - 220 gr/plant
Înălțime În Interior: 80 - 120 cm
Înălțime În Aer Liber: 130 - 160 cm
Timpul de înflorire: 6 - 8 Săptămâni
Luna recoltei: 10-12 săptămâni după germinare
Contextul Genetic: Northern Light x Ruderalis
Tip: Sativa 0% Indica 80% Ruderalis 20%
Efect: Clar, Înălțător
Climat: Veri lungi
Aromă: Citrice, Fructat, Pământie, Pin, Piper

    De N. N. În 13/Jan/2025 :

    Titlu : Queen seeds
    Cometariu : Horrible. Customer service First 10 did not germinate Paper towel method inside of a zip lock bag Figure i would give them another try. Maded another order.Never received it contacted them.They decided oh without verification.We're just going to send off another order to the same address.You didn't receive the original one at Good job if kids get ahold of it This will all be taken away from us with companies like yours being so Careless with Your product Good job, recommending credits or refund or change of addres 👍

    De M. T. În 11/Jan/2025 :

    Titlu : Rx
    Cometariu : Very resilient plants with good yield even with minimal care

    De C. P. În 08/Jan/2025 :

    Titlu : Chris Potz
    Cometariu : Diese autoflowering seeds haben sich im Freien in einem kleinen Gewächshaus sehr gut anbauen lassen und sind super aufgegangen.

    De M. H. În 06/Jan/2025 :

    Titlu : XXX
    Cometariu : Keimrate 8 von 10 super gewachsen sehr Lecker

    De C. M. În 03/Jan/2025 :

    Titlu : Killer freebies
    Cometariu : These and their photos have grown exceptionally good indica style nugs every time I have grown them. I bought the photo based on how much I liked the auto. Very simple straight forward, resilient plant for beginners too, as I topped, transplanted and lsted with no issue at all. 75 -80days after sprout. really easy trim, too. Nothing compared to that smooth ass smoke that brought me back to high school, sweet emotion style. thanks rqs. M3RC.

    De J. M. În 28/Dec/2024 :

    Titlu : All around great.
    Cometariu : Stable grow, great quantity, great quality. It makes a great tincture too.

    De F. S. În 27/Dec/2024 :

    Titlu : North Lights Auto
    Cometariu : Einfach anzubauen und das Ergebnis ist super

    De J. C. În 20/Dec/2024 :

    Titlu : Perfekt
    Cometariu : Wirklich eine tolle Sorte, sie stand bei mir im Sommer im Gewächshaus und ist super vor sich her gedeit

    De A. P. În 19/Dec/2024 :

    Titlu : Classic taste / good yield
    Cometariu : The taste is classic and the yield is good!

    De T. F. În 18/Dec/2024 :

    Titlu : Epic mistake with great seeds
    Cometariu : Im an old noob at this growing game and just had my first major fxxk-up . My 3 seeds stretched to much cause i had no knowledge in the lighting department and placed my light to far away from the seedlings. Just found a great app to measure light and see if ya plant in range. Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.homestudio.ppfdmeter On the other hands my seeds were the BOMB .. They grew like 30 cm in 2-3 days but if i had the light correct i woulda gotten some real bad MFers. Will order a new pack in a few days and just 4-5 weeks till harvest on my Thunderfuck. Merry X-mas everyone

    De I. D. În 15/Dec/2024 :

    Titlu : I love it!
    Cometariu : This is one of the Best one, I love.

    De S. B. În 14/Dec/2024 :

    Titlu : Pretty good
    Cometariu : Not the strongest but buds are uniform and taste great

    De B. S. În 12/Dec/2024 :

    Titlu : Great strain
    Cometariu : i planted seed in root riot & she popped in 36 hours & is doing amazing.RQS is top notch breeders & definitely recommend them to everyone.

    De J. M. În 12/Dec/2024 :

    Titlu : Lovely plant
    Cometariu : This plant is very nice. It shoots out of the ground and grows well. Lateron i got some sort of nutrient lockout while everything seemed to be perfect, affected my results a little bit but thats allright. The plant generated a lot of branches that got very tall. The colors of the leaves are so pretty. In the beginning of week 7 it started to turn purple which was even prettier. The smell wasn't pungent at all which i liked. In the last weeks it formed some super nice frosty buds which smelled very fresh and reminded me of citrus like peppery aroma's. But very mild though. I could't wait for the buds to cure for 2 weeks, so i tried some right after harvesting and it was veeeeery nice. When you smoke this, it gives you a feeling of cozyness and relaxation/euphoria. It's like when u sit next to a camp fire and there is snow everywhere around you but you're not cold at all. Just very nice. Next to that it makes me very happy. The coziness makes me want to lay down though. I would not recommend smoking this, when u have a lot to do. More like for the evening after dinner when u can chill. Also when smoked a lot, it will make you very sleepy. So yeah love this strain a lot, makes me happy, calm, chill, euphoric, laugh and sometimes sleepy. Also the plant is beautifull. Recommend for sure.

    De J. M. În 12/Dec/2024 :

    Titlu : Good for a free seed
    Cometariu : Can't complain. Free seed with purchase. Fast growing ok yield

    Nu poți posta o recenzie deoarece nu ai cumpărat acest produs
From Maximilian | 2018-09-14 14:08:21

Is the weight of 200g per plant outdoor dry or fresh?

Royal Queen Seeds Team


From Chris | 2018-06-12 23:02:38

Bonjour RQS, Combien puis-je/devrais-je mettre de ces fleurs dans une tente de 1m50×1m50 pour optimiser les résultas selon vous? Merci d'avance.

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Please refer to the following link for more information: https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-how-many-plants-to-grow-per-square-meter-n774

From Blah | 2018-06-10 03:34:44

Average yield?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Please note that you can find this information on the Data sheet section of this page.

From Masco | 2018-05-20 12:44:24

Bonjour RQS, je n'ai pas beaucoup de hauteur pour faire pousser, est-ce que la Northern Light auto peut se tailler pour qu'elle pousse en largeur ?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

This strain can grow 80 to 120 cm indoor and 130 to 160 cm outdoor.

From cati adrian | 2018-04-16 17:11:22

will this plant be ready to harvest after 60 days from seeding in 60 days of sunlight 12/hrs a day?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

This strain is ready to harvest after 60 days. Please check out the below tips regarding lighting for Autoflowering strains. https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-the-perfect-light-schedules-for-autoflowering-cannabis-n319

From Jeff | 2018-04-16 02:37:30

How long does this one stay in veg before starting to flower stage

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Between 4 and 6 weeks normally.

From Leonardo | 2018-02-09 10:26:53

Qual'é il lignaggio di questa northern light?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Northern Light (Northern Light S1) x Ruderalis, you can find this information in the data sheet.

From Eurystos | 2017-12-10 11:53:32

Faut il laisser en 18h/6h pour lautofloraison ou passer en 12h/12h quand les premiers pistils arrivent

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Please take a look at the below link for a more detailed explanation: https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-the-perfect-light-schedules-for-autoflowering-cannabis-n319

From Rick | 2017-11-28 15:43:37

Salve, volevo sapere se questa pianta sprigiona molto odore? Grazie

Royal Queen Seeds Team

It depends, if plants are healthy and happy their smell intensity is increasing as they get closer to the harvest time. However there are some techniques to camouflage the smell, check out the below link: https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-how-to-control-the-smell-of-cannabis-n224

From Paul | 2017-11-22 09:14:02

Under data sheet it says: Flowering: 5-7 weeks Does this mean that the flowering stage starts after week 5-7, or does it mean that the flowering stage takes 5-7 weeks?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

It means that the blooming period takes between 5 and 7 weeks.

From Florian Pluchard | 2017-11-19 08:43:55

Bonjour RQS voilà c'est mais premier pousse en Auto et je voulais savoir si il faut les taillé comme les féminisé ? ??? Merci.

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Yes, it is the same.

From nik | 2017-11-15 21:26:25

Qual'è la temperatura ideale in cui la pianta deve crescere? c'è una minima o una max? in più a quante ore di luce artificiale deve essere esposta? una lampada a led va bene?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

The optimal temperature for vegetationis 20ºC-22ºC and for flowering 22ºC-25ºC

From Jimmy | 2017-11-15 20:12:09

Is 65 cm from soil to indoor light enough for this to have a good yield?

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Please check out the below link for further information in this matter: https://www.royalqueenseeds.com/blog-best-lighting-for-growing-cannabis-n103

From Florian Pluchard | 2017-11-15 14:09:40

Bonjour RQS Combien puis je récolter avec cette auto ? En Indoor placard de 1,70m.70.70 éclairage Led panneaux 1000W double spectre !? Merci.

Royal Queen Seeds Team

It is very hard to provide you with an accurate answer. It is not only about light and space, it is also about feeding, watering, ventilation, etc...

From thebandit timothy dewayne | 2017-10-26 23:30:57

what thc level is northern light

Royal Queen Seeds Team

You can check this information in the data sheet of each product. Northern Light 14%

From erik | 2017-10-17 19:39:27

hola buenas me gustaria saber si es posible sembrar una northen light en invierno con 10 horas de luz y enfrente del mar para hacer en outdoor

Royal Queen Seeds Team

Es posible pero los resultados estarán siempre muy por debajo de las expectativas, en caso de que la planta crezca en condiciones. Nosotros no recomendamos exponer las plantas a temperaturas por debajo de los 12ºC, ni con un intervalos de más de 10ºC entre máxima y mínima. Además con tan pocas horas de luz la planta no crecerá demasiado.

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Semințele de canabis pot fi distribuite în mod liber pe teritoriul UE, sub principiul recunoașterii reciproce. Cu toate acestea, este responsabilitatea ta să studiezi legile și regulamentele locale, înainte de a plasa comanda.

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Semințele de canabis pot fi distribuite în mod liber pe teritoriul UE, sub principiul recunoașterii reciproce. Cu toate acestea, este responsabilitatea ta să studiezi legile și regulamentele locale, înainte de a plasa comanda.